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Pure C8 MCT Oil
How to Start Taking C8 MCT Oil for Fat Loss?
How to Start Taking C8 MCT Oil for Fat Loss?
Olivia Callender avatar
Written by Olivia Callender
Updated over a week ago

Below are the best steps to take if you want to lose fat with C8 MCT oil. This is all you need to do:

1. Start with one teaspoon (5ml) as your dose.
2. Take a dose one hour before each of your meals.
3. Take each dose without carbs, sugars, or other calories (e.g. butter). For example, you can add each dose to a zero-calorie drink like water, black coffee, or plain tea.
4. Increase your dose by one teaspoon (5ml) each week until you reach one tablespoon (15ml). Only increase your dose if your stomach feels okay.
5. Continue with one tablespoon per dose until you reach your fat loss goal.

If you are fasting, I recommend you take a dose one hour before you break your fast. You can also take a dose during your fast only if you are very hungry.

The steps above will help you avoid stomach trouble like loose stools or cramps. But if you find this isn't the case get in touch. We will help get you sorted.

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