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Why Haven't I Received an Email?
Why Haven't I Received an Email?
Olivia Callender avatar
Written by Olivia Callender
Updated over a week ago

If you haven't received an email from Ketosource, there's a 95% chance it's residing in your spam folder. Please check there first.

To make sure future emails from us land in your main inbox, the most straightforward method is to reply to one of our emails. This effectively whitelists our email address within your email client.

And just a thought—once you hit reply, it's like getting VIP backstage access to the Ketosource world. Just minus the red carpet.

Summary of Takeaways

Key Points


Step 1. Check Your Spam

Make sure your Ketosource emails aren't going to spam

Step 2. Reply to the Email

Whitelist Ketosource emails by writing to us

Step 3. If the Problem Persists Contact Us

Contact the help desk if the email is still missing

Need More Help?

If you've followed these guidelines and still can't find your email, please contact us for further assistance. Leave your name and email, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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