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Is Pure C8 MCT Oil Salicylate Free?
Is Pure C8 MCT Oil Salicylate Free?
Damien avatar
Written by Damien
Updated over a week ago

I understand your concern about salicylates is very probably due to your being sensitive or allergic to them. And thus you want to avoid them.

So I'm answering with this assuming you need to avoid salicylates due to sensitivity. Please let me know if it's a different interest, as the information may differ.

Pure C8 MCT Oil is a near 100% (e.g. 99.8%) pure source of C8 MCT (Caprylic Triglycerides). We derive it from 100% coconut as a source.

With supplements like these you should consider the source even if they are very high purity, because traces can remain of the original source (e.g. 0.1% or lower).

In the case of salicylates (compounds derived from salicylic acid), they are not present in C8 MCT, but they are present in the source, coconut. Coconut does not contain high levels of salicylates compared to other sources (e.g. grapes, berries), but it does contain moderate amounts.

Given that coconuts have salicylates present, but that my Pure C8 MCT Oil is highly purified to only C8 MCT, the levels of salicylates in the product would be extremely low trace amounts. But it's possible they are present.

So the answer is that I cannot guarantee it is 100% salicylate free due to it being made from coconut. But, given the low trace amounts possible, it will depend on your tolerance / sensitivity level.

If you absolutely need to avoid any minor trace of potential salicylate I would not buy it.

I recommend you pass the information I have given you above to your medical practitioner who works with you on salicylate intolerance. They can help you decide.

If I can clarify anything further please let me know. I want to make sure you're fully informed - no question is too small. Click the button below to ask me anything.

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