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How Can I Start Using C8 MCT Oil Again After a Break?
How Can I Start Using C8 MCT Oil Again After a Break?
Olivia Callender avatar
Written by Olivia Callender
Updated over a week ago

If your goal is fat loss, taking your C8 MCT oil regularly is important for achieving your goals. However, we have seen with clients that this isn't always possible. Whether it's travel or a misstep in their routine, the result is a break in taking the oil.

This can cause confusion on how to restart. But there are only a couple of things to consider when getting back to your C8 MCT oil regime.

Do I Need to Start Again with My C8 MCT Oil?

How you begin again with taking the oil depends on your stomach tolerance. Nobody wants to experience stomach upset unnecessarily. That's why it's important to plan how you restart with C8 MCT oil.

Here is a quick guide to help you make the best decision.

Let's go over these questions in detail below.

  • Question #1. How Long Has It Been Since I’ve Taken C8 MCT Oil?

    • If it has been more than three weeks you should stick to the original protocol. If you need a refresher on how best to take C8 MCT oil for fat loss you can find a step-by-step guide here.

  • Question #2: Did I Have Stomach Upset The First Time I Took C8 MCT Oil?

    • If it has been less than three weeks and you experienced no stomach upset the first time taking the oil you can continue with the full tablespoon (15ml).

    • If you experienced nausea, loose stools or general upset stomach scale back your dose from the full tablespoon (15ml) to two teaspoons (10ml) and see how you feel.

Whether you restart from the smallest dose or scale back before resuming the full dose, these steps will ensure that you don't experience negative symptoms.

Actionable Takeaways

  • If you have not taken the oil in more than three weeks restart taking the oil at a teaspoon (5ml)

  • If the time is less than three weeks consider if you were sensitive to the oil initially and then decide to take the full dose (15ml) or two teaspoons (10ml)

Need More Help?

If you have stomach upset from restarting with C8 MCT oil or If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out and contact us. We're here to support you every step of the way.

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