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How Taking Food with C8 MCT Oil Blocks its Fat Loss Mechanism.
Olivia Callender avatar
Written by Olivia Callender
Updated over a year ago

When starting with C8 MCT oil there are two misconceptions people have:

  • That C8 MCT oil can be used as cooking oil or eaten with food.

  • That C8 MCT oil on its own causes stomach upset and taking it with food helps alleviate these symptoms.

What Blocks the Creation of Appetite-Reducing Ketones

The purpose of taking C8 MCT oil for fat loss is to lower your appetite to consume fewer calories at your meals. This happens when MCTs are converted into appetite-reducing ketones.

If you take your C8 MCT oil with foods containing carbs you block the conversion of MCT oil into ketones. Conversely, when taken on an empty stomach an hour before a meal your Beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) ketone level rises above 0.5 mmol/l. When measured in plasma, this value is 0.3 mmol/L.

*Appetite-reduction ketosis in chart is plasma BHB ketone level of 0.3 mmol/L. On home ketone blood meters like Keto Mojo this is equal to a value of 0.5 mmol/L.

  • Food + C8 MCT Oil: When taken with food C8 MCT oil’s ketone boost is inhibited. Ketones do not reach the dotted line (appetite-reduction ketosis) and you don’t get fat loss benefits.

  • C8 MCT Oil Only: Taken without food, C8 MCT oil will be converted into ketones within an hour. Ketones will rise above the marker for appetite reduction, supporting fat loss via eating less (lower calorie intake).

Why to Avoid Taking C8 MCT Oil With Food

There is another reason to avoid taking C8 MCT oil with food if your goal is fat loss. Not only will you block the production of ketones but you will also be adding more calories to your meal.

Clients who make this mistake find they can gain extra fat instead of losing it. This will not happen when following the proper method to take C8 MCT oil.

Actionable Takeaways

To avoid making a similar mistake remember this:

  • Take C8 MCT oil on an empty stomach or with no calorie options an hour before food using the proper C8 MCT oil method.

  • Appetite-reducing ketones are blocked by net carbs in foods.

  • Do not take C8 MCT oil with food as it will add to your calorie intake possibly causing weight gain.

Need More Help?

If you have any questions or doubts please contact us for further assistance. Leave your name and email, and one of our nutritional analysts will get back to you to help you on your fat-loss journey. We're interested to hear what you have to say.


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